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Asshole Survival Guide

Asshole Survival Guide

Asshole Survival Guide

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Asshole Survival Guide


“Whether it is the alleged behavior of the recently deposed chief executive of Uber, Travis Kalanick, the countless cases of road rage and air rage, or the constant stream of stories of abuse on social media, it is clear we are living in an age when many people struggle to be civil towards each other . . . Sutton offers a variety of techniques that people suffering the presence of difficult individuals at their work, in their sports teams, or just in everyday life can employ to deal with them or fight back. There is even help with discovering whether or not you are an asshole yourself — and what to do about it if you do something that makes you one . . . This is a small book but it could play a big part in making us treat others better.” —Forbes “If everyone had paid attention to the Stanford business professor’s best-selling 2007 management manifesto, The No Asshole Rule, there would be no need for a follow-up. Yet here we are.” —Esquire “Sutton’s breezy writing style, combined with the wide array of anecdotes and stories from people who’ve written him about their difficulties, makes for an entertaining read . . . Consider that the physical book itself might be a solution to an a-hole at work. Much like the effect Sutton’s first book reportedly has had, simply leaving The Asshole Survival Guide prominently on your desk may send all the signal you need.”—SmartUp “In this most-welcome sequel to Sutton’s best-selling The No Asshole Rule, the author turns from an organization-wide perspective to an individual one, outlining strategies for dealing with difficult people at work. Readers will shake their heads—both in horror and recognition—at Sutton’s real-life examples of egregious behavior. However, Sutton also shares true stories, provided by readers, of successful strategies for thwarting the bullies. The book’s thoughtful, well-ordered structure begins with the topic of determining how bad the problem is. Later, Sutton discusses how to graciously exit a bad workplace. If that’s not an option, then there are tricks for coping, such as the one shared by a West Point cadet who changed her perspective on her hazers’ behavior and came to think of it as ridiculous rather than hurtful. Numerous strategies are provided for decreasing exposure to jerks or mentally excusing oneself when this proves impossible. The final strategy Sutton shares is simply fighting back, while still weighing the consequences of doing so. At the conclusion, Sutton turns the mirror on his readers, urging them to recognize when they behave badly and to stop themselves from contributing to the workplace’s—and world’s—already too large population of assholes.” —Publishers Weekly “Bob Sutton is very wise and very funny, AND he can tell you exactly how to handle the unfortunate reality that into every life a few assholes must fall. The Asshole Survival Guide is destined to become your go-to resource whenever you find yourself dealing with people who would treat you poorly.”—Susan Cain, New York Times best-selling author of Quiet   “At last someone has provided clear steps for rejecting, deflecting, and deflating the jerks who blight our lives. Better still, that someone is the great Bob Sutton, which ensures that the information is useful, evidence-based, and fun to read.”—Robert Cialdini, author of New York Times bestsellers Influence and Pre-Suasion “No matter what industry or profession you work in, you will always encounter people who are unpleasant, off-putting, or downright self-centered. Thank goodness Bob Sutton has provided us with such a well-crafted guide for surviving these jerks. It is mandatory reading for anyone who strives to endure, escape, fend-off, and bring them down.”—Chip Conley, founder and past CEO of Joie de Vivre hotels, advisor and former head of global hospitality and strategy at Airbnb, and author of four books, including the New York Times bestseller Emotional Equations   “With humor, understanding, and comprehensive research—and an ah-ha moment on every page—this is a must-have for leaders and climbing stars alike, from the expert on the subject. Bravo!”—Marshall Goldsmith, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Triggers   “This is the guide you need for handling the worst people in your life—and making sure they don’t rub off on you. If you’ve ever had a horrible boss, client, or colleague, this book is bursting with advice that’s often ingenious and always actionable. And if your world has been free of jerks, consider this an insurance policy.”—Adam Grant, New York Times best-selling author of Give and Take and Originals, and coauthor of Option B   “Assholes are like the weather—everybody complains about them but nobody ever does anything about them. Until, that is, Robert Sutton’s Asshole Survival Guide. Sutton offers a wealth of helpful, and dare I say wise suggestions about how to identify and deal with the assholes in your organization, or at least minimize the damage they do to the well-being and productivity of others. (I’d also suggest bringing it along to family reunions and PTA meetings.)”—Geoff Nunberg, University of California, Berkeley, author of Ascent of the A-Word: Assholism, the First Sixty Years.   “One of the biggest impediments to achieving a great workplace is assholes. Their behavior creates a hostile work environment that leads to decreased engagement, productivity, and employee loyalty. Bob Sutton has written a fantastic book that explains the severity of the problem and provides useful strategies for dealing with it.”—Paul Purcell, chairman and former long-time CEO of Baird, ranked fourth on Fortune’s Top 100 Companies to Work For and renowned for its long-time “no assholes” policy   “Reading The Asshole Survival Guide made me wistful. If only Bob Sutton’s book had been available to help me deal with the full complement of first-class assholes I’ve encountered in my 50-year professional life. No names shall be mentioned.”—Tom Peters, coauthor of the bestseller In Search Of Excellence   “First, The No Asshole Rule alerted us to the problem. Now, The Asshole Survival Guide offers the solution. This book is a contemporary classic—a shrewd and spirited guide to reducing our exposure and protecting ourselves from the jerks, bullies, tyrants, and trolls who seek to dispirit and demean. Now more than ever, with civility and decency under attack, we desperately need this antidote to the a-holes in our midst.”—Daniel H. Pink, best-selling author of To Sell Is Human and Drive   “As much as we try to avoid assholes, inevitably they appear in our lives. Bob Sutton gives us a menu of clear, thoughtful, and practical solutions for surviving and thriving in those painful situations. With cutting-edge research and real-life examples that are thought-provoking and often hilarious, The Asshole Survival Guide is an indispensable resource.”—Gretchen Rubin, best-selling author of The Happiness Project and Better Than Before   “It’s hard to know how to react to a jerk, so The Asshole Survival Guide is a godsend. Obnoxious behavior is a double whammy. First, you feel mad at the other person. Next, you feel mad at yourself for your response / lack of response. It’s being mad at yourself that is both hard to be aware of, and is most debilitating. With this brilliant and funny book, Bob Sutton saves you from fear, loathing, and self-loathing!”—Kim Scott, author of the New York Times bestseller Radical Candor, cofounder of Candor, Inc, and former executive at Google and Apple  

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About the Author

ROBERT SUTTON is a Stanford University professor and author of six management books, including the New York Times bestsellers The No Asshole Rule and Good Boss, Bad Boss. He is an IDEO fellow and cofounder of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program and the Stanford Design Institute.

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Product details

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: Mariner Books; Reprint edition (September 4, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1328511669

ISBN-13: 978-1328511669

Product Dimensions:

5.3 x 0.6 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

81 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#13,334 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I’m going to avoid spelling out the A word as I write this. The book is a great read. You don’t need to have read the “No A rule” to get value out of “The A Survival Guide.” There are a plethora of real world examples and tips. I particularly enjoyed the chapters on “A Avoidance Techniques” and “Mind Tricks That Protect Your Soul.” A’s could be prevalent throughout an organization. In fact, there may be one right behind you! How you deal with these people depend on where there are and how high up or down they are in the company. You have to strategize and work with your peers, accordingly. Sutton takes care to explain how being an A isn’t necessarily a permanent condition. Be cognizant of this. Don’t go Defcon 5 immediately if dealing with an A.I liked Sutton’s observation that just distancing yourself from an A, even by 10 or 20 feet, can help reduce the toxicity of the atmosphere surrounding As. Becoming an A can be contagious. You don’t have to read the book cover to cover in one sitting, and there are times you’ll find it a great reference tool Be careful about making the book highly visible in your workspace. You don’t know when an A will wander by. Some thoughts not in the book but still important – (1) If in a meeting, you don’t recognize the A in the room, you may be the A. (2) Some music to hum if you need to tune out an A, from Willie Nelson – “Momma don’t let your babies grow up to be As…”

If I had read this book early in my career, I would be half an inch taller and a lot richer. I once had a boss who was so belittling that while I worked for him I literally shrunk half an inch. I finally got so angry that I quit, walking away from lots of stock options. We've all had people we work with who make us absolutely miserable. In this great book, Bob gives you lots of coping strategies. You don't have to let anyone "make" you feel something; you get to choose your reaction, and Bob shows you how.

With The Asshole Survival Guide, Bob Sutton cements his reputation as the savior of long-suffering employees everywhere. When he published The No Asshole Rule in 2007, he exhorted leaders and managers to create civil workplaces by setting standards for decent behavior. And serving as examples, themselves, of how to treat the human beings who spend most of their waking hours in those workplaces.Sadly, too few managers followed Sutton’s entirely sensible, research-based advice – maybe because most readers of the book were the employees who suffered daily the slings and arrows of the jerks around them. Fortunately for all of us, those readers have inundated Sutton ever since with pleas for help, filling his inbox and bending his ear with thousands of juicy tales from the front lines of asshole-land – the land where motivation droops, productivity stalls, creativity fizzles, and despair reigns.At last, Sutton has created what these readers begged for: a compelling account of the best of these tales, across a stunning variety of work and personal situations, along with research-based and experience-tested methods for identifying, avoiding, neutralizing, or – if all else fails – escaping the mushroom cloud of negativity with which jerks befoul the world around them. We all owe a debt of gratitude for this important work to Bob Sutton – a nice person who, alas, will forever be known as The Asshole Guy.- Teresa Amabile, Professor at Harvard Business School & Coauthor of The Progress Principle

As a follow up to the original No *** Rule, this is a fun read full of real life anecdotes. Bob weaves together a terrific toolkit for anyone suffering with a colleague or boss who treats other people badly. It's kind of amazing to read the stories he has collected over the years and then see how his toolkit helps navigate very tricky situations. I love his energy, pacing, and most of all his optimism -- something can be done to make things better! A+.

We've all worked for folks like this. Heck, I currently do and, every time it has happened, I have either moved on to a new company (and the person that harassed me and other employees was either forced out of fired once the company figured out what was happening or once his/her usefulness was spent--forcing people to leave so a company doesn't have to pay a severance package as part of layoffs or get hit for unemployment later). These are the people that, sadly, corporate America depends on to keep companies running by shedding valuable employees.Interestingly, the book gives us solid advice on how to either work, ignore or move beyond these bozos either before they hope on the bus to their next destructive pathway or preventing them from victimizing you in the process. This book has been particularly helpful with my current company which has targeted employees over a certain age and salary range for harassment and it has provided sage advice for me to give to others that are experiencing being displaced from their current position and, possibly, preventing that from happening (particularly if higher management may not realize this might be happening from other co-workers or supervisors).If you read this book and recognize yourself, perhaps, it will provide an agent for change. Either way, this book will reassure you that you are not imagining being subjected to harassment and give you key strategies to help you survive in that environment until change comes or you decide to leave. It will help you keep your emotional health as well.Highly recommended.

This book is a must have for anyone navigating today's world. Whether you are in professional or social situation, you are likely to come across people who are difficult to interact (let alone work) with. This book synthesizes hundreds of peer reviewed studies and countless real world examples in an engaging and easy to read format. Bob shares a variety of strategies for dealing with many different "types" of unpleasant people and answers the questions many people are too shy or scared to ask. There is no better time to read this book.

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Product details

File Size: 461 KB

Print Length: 68 pages

Publication Date: March 19, 2009

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#2,218,302 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)





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